illustration WASTE 2 ENERGY

WASTE 2 ENERGY Sàrl in Switzerland proposes various technologies and solution related to environment protection, energy out of waste, and global concept to recycle and valorise waste.

W2E concept is designed to bring turnkey solution in many different fields; MSW, medical waste, power energy, etc.

picto goute d'eau

WATER 4 LIFE Sàrl in Switzerland, proposes different technologies related to water treatments, and or all kind of water related technologies, in order to bring natural and environmental solution to water problems. “Bring a solution right where the problem lays”.


WASTE 2 ENERGY Sàrl    I    Grand Rue 2  -  La Neuveville  -  SWISS    I    +41 786 152 222    I

illustration WASTE 2 ENERGY
illustration WASTE 2 ENERGY
illustration WASTE 2 ENERGY

WASTE 2 ENERGY Sàrl    I    +41 786 152 222    I

illustration WASTE 2 ENERGY